Nobby's Headland, Newcastle, NSW.
Nobby's Headland
Project Realisation: n/a
Sale Process: n/a
CMF Appointment: Consultancy
Nobby’s Headland is a very important piece of publicly owned real estate that marks the entrance to the Port of Newcastle. In more recent years the headland had become world renowned when the container ship Pasha Bulker ran aground on neighbouring Nobby’s Beach during a storm in 2007.
Following our successful scoping study prepared on behalf of the NSW State Government for the ex Newcastle Post Office CMF was appointed to undertake a high level Ministerial paper for the return of “Nobby’s Headland” from Newcastle Council and Ports control to the control of the State Government.
The report detailed;
the history of the site including indigenous links
desires of the community
existing facilities
a range of potential uses assuming no development
a range of uses assuming development and staging
access alternatives for the public
case studies on similar publicly owned headlands around the world
Extensive consultation of a large number of stakeholders took place over a two-month period with the final paper being delivered to the Minister for the Hunter.