50 x Apartments, Townsville, QLD
"Abode Apartments" 38 Moorehead Street
Project Realisation: $17m+
Sale Process: Project Marketing of 16 units
Sale in one line of 34 units
CMF Appointment: Project Marketing Agent
A financier appointed the whole of CMF’s property team to this troubled development to protect its investment. The property was under construction and approximately 70% complete. Firstly we needed to complete the project before selling it down.
Whilst construction was being completed CMF prepared a comprehensive marketing campaign including; pricing; media; internet; brochures; signage and; the appointment of two local agents to run the day to day inspections.
The complex provided for 50, two and three bed apartments. Over the course of 12 months CMF coordinated the sale of 16 of the units. Almost unbelievably, this was at more than three times the rate of sale experienced in other apartment blocks in Townsville at the time. It reflected not only a competitive pricing structure and pro-active marketing campaign but also superior attention to detail throughout the finishing of the complex.
CMF then negotiated a sale for the remaining 34 units “in one line”. All 50 apartments were sold in just under 15 months.